ROMOTOP spol. s r.o.
Evropská cutting edge in heating field
Romotop company, which was founded in 1992, has significantly influenced the penetration of fireplace stoves to Czech market. They developed from the original small-scale production in Suchdol to the working place with the latest technology, strong design and strong business potential.
This company was established in 90', when the stoves of modern design was only at their very beginning. The company offers a supplemental heating by wood, which is in line with the support of renewable energy sources.
Currently, stoves and fireplace inserts are increasingly becoming the primary source of heating for family houses. This trend is quite logical when you realize how energy intensity of modern houses is declining and energy proces are rising.
Romotop and design
Romotop belongs among
innovators in the field of design, development and quality of combustion. This allows them to be unique in their ability to approach customers individually
and quickly respond to their requests.
Every product, that leaves the factory gates, is the practical result of synergy of all 550 employees. Indoor climate of Romotop inspires employees to maximize the benefits for the company and the customer. Originality and creativity is rewarded with the possibility of self-realization and professional growth.
We have chosen a stoves type Tala 1 from Romotop company. We chose this type of stoves because of the experience of Romotop company. We believe in quality and modern design of these Czech products. Romotop offers a wide range of stoves, fireplaces and related services.